5 Exercises That Help You Alleviate Sciatic Pain

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This disorder causes an increase in muscle mass, spasming, or pain in the piriformis muscle. Piriformis is located in the buttocks, and connects the lower spine to the femurs (thighbones). This is a wonderful teaching aid that allows the hip to rotate while the leg and foot turn outward. A spine specialist will guide you through the exercising process.

Tingling, numbness, and pain can also occur in the area around the piriformis since the sciatic nerve is directly underneath it.

  • Pain, tenderness, or a dull ache in the buttock is some of the most common side effects of piriformis syndrome.

  • The hip motion range has decreased.

  • Leg, hamstring, calf, and foot pain

  • There is an increase in pain when ascending stairs or slopes, or when sitting for a prolonged period of time.

Stretching and exercising the piriformis muscle can help manage the discomfort and pain associated with this condition. Remember to start with very slow stretches and increase them over time until you can hold each stretch for about 30 seconds. When a stretch becomes painful, you are focusing on only one side of your body.

Find relief by trying these five piriformis exercises at home.

Lie Flat:

When you are lying flat, bend your knees and keep your feet flat. Then, put your knees together. To stretch your opposite knee toward your opposite shoulder, carefully guide your knee towards your shoulder over time, holding the stretch for 5-30 seconds. Stretch your other leg, too.

Get a Chair:

You should sit on one chair while placing two chairs opposite each other. To stretch your hamstrings, put your heel on the other chair, bend at your hips, and lean forward. Keep holding the stretch and then perform the movement on your other leg.

Bring an Exercise Ball Home:

Place one foot on a stability ball, then lie down on your back. In order to accomplish this, place your other foot on top of your knee and, keeping your other leg flat, pull the ball toward you while pressing your other knee away from you. Keep your original foot down and then repeat with your other foot.

Forming Bridge:

To achieve this pose, place your feet flat on the floor, keeping your knees slightly bent. After contracting your core and glutes, you should gradually lift your pelvis by tensing your pelvic floor muscles. When you lift the weight, you want to get your knees, hips, and shoulders into alignment so your body forms a “bridge.” Once you have stretched the muscle, then allow yourself to lower yourself gradually.

Forming a 90 Degree Stretch:

Your leg can be bent at 90 degrees with the knee pointing up and the other leg bent at a right angle with the foot flat on the ground. Make a straight line from your bent leg to your straight leg by grasping your bent leg and extending your knee. Keep holding the stretch and then perform the movement on your other leg.

Our leading pain treatment practitioners at Oklahoma Pain Treatment can help you discover freedom from piriformis syndrome. In order to help you revitalize your life, we will formulate treatment plans and utilize minimally invasive surgical procedures. Schedule a consultation with our spine specialist to learn more about our treatment options.

**Disclaimer: This blog post does not establish terms of a doctor-patient relationship and is not intended to be taken as a doctor's advice.


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