NEUROPATHY treatment centers
Peripheral Neuropathy
double Board certified
What Is Neuropathy?
Neuropathy is a condition that results from damage to your nervous system. The damage can come from an injury or a medical condition, such as a pinched nerve. Your nervous system is composed of two primary pieces:
The central system, made up of your brain and spinal cord
The peripheral system, which comprises motor nerves, sensory nerves and autonomic nerves
Motor nerves control your musculature and movement, sensory nerves monitor your senses and autonomic nerves control unconscious activities, such as breathing. Neuropathy — also called or peripheral neuropathy or diabetic nerve pain — results from damage to one or more of these systems. Other types of neuropathies include:
Mononeuropathy, which affects one type of nerve, such as carpal tunnel syndrome
Multifocal neuropathy, which affects nerves in one part of the body, such as proximal neuropathy, reflecting nerve damage in your hip, buttock or thigh
Polyneuropathy, which affects nerves in different parts of your body
What Are the Symptoms of Neuropathy?
Peripheral neuropathy typically results in numbness or soreness along the nerve pathway in your hands or feet, a t
ype of pain referred to as neuralgia. However, some patients can experience this condition in any part of their body. The common
symptoms of each type of neuropathy include:
Motor neuropathy, which produces muscle weakness in the affected area, lack of coordination, or even paralysis
Sensory neuropathy, which causes numbness or tingling, a sensitivity to touch or sharp, throbbing or burning pain — especially during activities that don’t usually cause pain
Autonomic neuropathy, which triggers dizziness, problems eliminating waste or heat intolerance and problems with sweating
If you’ve noticed any of these symptoms, visit the best neuropathy doctors in Oklahoma at Oklahoma Pain Treatment Centers . They offer more than pain management techniques; they find the root cause of your pain, no matter if it’s acute or chronic pain, and treat that so you can return to your normal routines pain-free.
What Causes Neuropathy?
Neuropathy can be inherited, but that’s rare. Most neuropathy cases result from an underlying neurological disorder like chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy or damage to the nerves. The causes of peripheral neuropathy include:
Physical injury. Trauma is the most common cause of neuropathy.
Diabetes. This disease is the leading cause of diabetic neuropathy in the United States.
Vascular and blood problems. A decrease in your oxygen supply to the peripheral nerves can lead to disrupted nerve function. Diabetes, smoking, high blood pressure, and atherosclerosis — fatty deposits inside your blood vessels — lead to neuropathy.
Autoimmune diseases. When your immune system mistakenly attacks your body’s own tissues, it can target nerves or surrounding tissues, resulting in nerve compression.
Kidney and liver disorders. These conditions lead to high toxicity levels in the blood that can result in damaged nerves.
Alcoholism. Overusing alcohol can result in damaged nerves, leading to strange sensations in the limbs, limited mobility, and muscle function loss.
Nutritional imbalances, alcoholism and exposure to toxins. Too little vitamin B12 or too much vitamin B6 are the best-known vitamin-related causes, but several medications occasionally cause neuropathy.
Certain cancers and benign tumors. Some chemotherapy drugs cause polyneuropathy, which continues after chemotherapy. Radiation therapy also can cause peripheral nerve damage.
Infections. Viruses, such as the varicella-zoster virus, cause sharp, lightning-like nerve pain. Lyme disease can cause a range of neuropathic symptoms. HIV can damage the central and peripheral nervous systems.
Diagnosis is the first step toward neuropathy treatment. The neuropathy doctors at Redefine Healthcare in NJ diagnose your particular type of peripheral neuropathy through a variety of tests and exams, as required. Each of the seven facilities provide state-of-the-art medical technology to support your neuropathy specialist.
What Peripheral Neuropathy Treatment Is Available in Oklahoma?
The goal of treatment is to manage the condition causing your neuropathy and to relieve your symptoms. If your diagnosis indicates no underlying condition, your health care provider may recommend watchful waiting and certain home remedies to see if you achieve relief. Otherwise, your peripheral neuropathy treatment may include:
Medications, such as over-the-counter or prescription pain relievers, anti-seizure medications, topical treatments or antidepressants
Physical therapy to improve your muscle strength and flexibility
Medical devices, such as hand or foot braces or a cane, walker or wheelchair
Nerve blocks, image-guided placement of diagnostic and therapeutic medication near the nerve to reduce pain transmission
Nerve stimulation (Neuromodulation), modulates the pain signals from being transmitted to the brain where the pain is interpreted
Surgery to relieve pressure on your nerves, although surgery is always the last resort
Before you opt for a more invasive treatment for neuropathy, you’re advised on ways to achieve pain relief through lifestyle changes that constitute treatment for neuropathy in the legs and feet. These changes include:
Taking care of your feet. Make some time to check your feet daily for blisters, cuts, or calluses, especially if you have diabetes or poor blood circulation.
Exercising more. Regular exercise can reduce neuropathy pain, improve muscle strength and control blood sugar levels. Yoga or tai chi may also help.
Quitting smoking. Cigarette smoking compromises normal blood flow, increasing the risk of foot problems and other neuropathic complications.
Eating healthful meals. Good nutrition ensures that you get essential vitamins and minerals.
Avoiding excessive alcohol. Alcohol worsens your peripheral neuropathy symptoms.
Monitoring blood glucose levels. If you have diabetes, keep your blood glucose under control, which may improve your symptoms.
Decluttering your floors. Keep your floors free of items that may cause you to trip and fall.
Reviewing medications. Talk with your neuropathy doctor about the medications and over-the-counter products you currently take to avoid adverse side effects.
Seek medical care right away if you notice unusual tingling, weakness, or neuropathic pain in your hands or feet. Early diagnosis and treatment help control your symptoms and prevent further damage to your peripheral nerves. Contact Oklahoma Pain Treatment Centers for a consultation today.