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Why Is Your Back Hurting? Causes for Upper Back Pain according to Pain Management Doctors

Upper back pain is less heard of than neck neck or lower back pain but it is still big enough of a problem among men and women from various walks of life. The spine is divided into3 regions - cervical, thoracic and lumbar. The upper back constitutes the thoracic spine. It is sturdy and strong so as to anchor the rib cage and protect the delicate organs inside the chest cavity. However prolonged postural issues and sometimes injury can lead to discomfort and pain. If you are facing upper back pain, our pain management doctors can suggest remedies to bring relief.

Anatomy of the Upper Back

The upper back or thoracic spine comprises 12 vertebrae, named T1 through T12. Each vertebrae is connected to a pair of ribs which renders it relatively immobile as compared to the neck and lower back. It’s restricted mobility also means the upper back is less susceptible to most potential injuries.

In case of an injury, upper back pain can appear overnight without any prior warning. Sometimes, when the underlying cause is bad posture or long hours of sitting or standing, the onset is stretched out and gets progressively worse with time.

What are the Common Causes of Upper Back Pain?

Here we discuss in detail the major causes of upper back pain. The most common causes are :

  • Poor Posture and Muscle Deconditioning

Long hours slouching over your desk at work? Spend so long hunched over, working that you forget to take a break to move around and stretch? If that sounds like you, chances are that the deconditioning of your back muscles has begun. Just like you can condition your muscles to be stronger through regular exercise, a sedentary lifestyle can leave your muscles uncared for and deteriorating. The loss of strength in your thoracic muscles makes it unfit for even the lightest physical activity and prone to strain and micro tears.

We know it is easy to overlook correct posture and regular breaks when you have heaps of work to plow through but believe us, a simple reminder to stretch and move around every hour can save you so much trouble.

It is definitely a learning curve and you can slowly start incorporating gentle physical activity in your routine. You can also upgrade to chairs with a comfortable recline and backrests.

  • Muscle Overexertion

When a muscle is put through continuous repeated motions regularly, it takes a toll on it. For example, factory workers at the assembly line, lifting heavy objects repeatedly are very likely to develop symptoms like muscle strain and discomfort. Over time, these symptoms can worsen and lead to chronic pain.

The best way to keep from overexerting your muscle is to take regular breaks from your activity, but sometimes given the nature of your work, that might not always be possible. In such cases we encourage you to follow a regular workout regimen to keep your muscle fit and the blood flowing.

  • Traumatic Injury

In many cases an injury may be the cause of your upper back pain. An accidental injury can give rise to severe pain, fractures, nerve damage and in extreme cases even paralysis. See a doctor as soon as possible after the accident. The doctor will conduct a bunch of tests to find how bad a fall your back took. Later, they will suggest medication and treatment plans to ensure a speedy,complete recovery. Do not leave your injuries untreated, as they can to complications with nasty outcomes.

  • Herniated Discs

Discs are the soft cartilaginous cushions with gelatinous centers punctuating the spine after each vertebrae. Sometimes these discs become inflamed and push against the spine. Even the slightest amount of pressure can cause tremendous pain. If you have spinal hernia you will also face other symptoms such as loss of feeling and numbness in your limbs. This condition can be treated through medication although sometimes pain management doctors suggest surgical intervention.

  • Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis is a common condition among the older population. Age wears down the cushion between the joints and the bones rub against each other during movement. Osteoarthritis is painful and reduces the ability of physical functioning. Thankfully, many treatments are available. Our pain management doctors will formulate a treatment plan tailored to fit your unique requirements.

Live Pain Free with Oklahoma Pain Treatment Centers

Do not let pain become a part of your life. Our team of extremely qualified doctors and physicians will help you pinpoint the exact cause of your pain through our comprehensive, interdisciplinary approach to evaluation. Find relief with the best quality pain management services in Oklahoma. Visit our website to contact us today!

**Disclaimer: These tips are not advised or suggested by doctors. The products that are promoted here are not FDA CERTIFIED to treat, cure or prevent any disease.