A Comprehensive Guide to Kyphoplasty

Is there a fracture in your spine's vertebrae? It can be highly painful and affect your life significantly. You may find it difficult to move properly. But kyphoplasty can help you.

Kyphoplasty, like vertebroplasty, injects a special type of cement in your vertebrae. As a result, it restores the cracked vertebral height and relieves pain. If you have been suffering from back pain for a longer period of time, be sure to visit a spine specialist at the earliest.

Who Can Have Kyphoplasty?

If you have ever had trauma or osteoporosis, you may suffer from spinal compression which causes fractures. Since a simple fall can weaken the vertebral spine, having spinal issues is not uncommon. When it comes to restoring spine's height, it's recommended to perform kyphoplasty within 3 months of the fractures taking place. If you live in Oklahoma City, it's recommended to visit back pain specialist if you accidentally break your spinal vertebrae.

How Is Kyphoplasty Performed?

A local anesthesia is instilled during the procedure that takes not more than 20 minutes. Later, a small abscission is made in the back. Then a confined tube is diligently placed into the fractured vertebral body with the help of X-ray. After the proper placement of the tube, a small hole is created to allow cement-like material to enter the damaged vertebrae. The purpose of this procedure is to recover the vertebral shape as well as height. As this cement hardens quickly, it stabilizes the bone speedily.


After kyphoplasty procedure gets over, the patient is under the counseling for at least 30 minutes during the post-anesthetic session. As soon as the patient awakes and puts on his dress, he's ready to discharge. When it comes to recovery, the patient can achieve the effective outcome within a single day of the procedure.


Just like other medical procedures, kyphoplasty has certain risks:

  • Injury in the spinal cord due to mal positioning of the instrument in your back.

  • Nerve damage

  • Allergic reaction

Find a Clinic

If you're a condition requires kyphoplasty, you should call in Oklahoma Pain Treatment Centers. Our back pain specialists will help you find a permanent relief. Contact us today.

**Disclaimer: These tips are not advised or suggested by doctors. The products that are promoted here are not FDA CERTIFIED to treat, cure or prevent any disease.