Oklahoma Pain Treatment Centers

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What Is Degenerative Cervical Spine Disorder?

A common source of neck pain and radiating arm pain is cervical degenerative disc disease. It occurs when, due to wear and tear, one or more of the cushioning discs in the cervical spine begins to break down.

A genetic component may be present that predisposes certain individuals to wear more quickly. Injury may also accelerate the progression of degenerative changes and often cause herniated disc.

How Cervical Discs Degenerate?

There are normally six cervical discs (1 between every vertebrae of the cervical spine) to absorb shock and avoid the rubbing of vertebral bones against each other as the neck moves.

A tough yet versatile outer layer of woven cartilage fibers called the annulus fibrosus, comprises each disc. The softer inside contains a mucoprotien gel that is known as nucleus pulposus and this is enclosed in annulus fibrosus. The nucleus gives the disc its property of shock absorption. The discs are approximately 85% water for girls. During the ageing process, the discs start to naturally lose hydration. Some figures usually decrease the water content of the disc to 70% by age 70, but the disc can lose hydration much more rapidly in some individuals.

Examples of Cervical Degenerative Disorders

  • Stenosis of the Cervical Spinal

The bone loses the normal relationship with the spine and the condition becomes instable. At this point one vertebra moves in an abnormal manner in terms of the relationship with the next vertebra.

To make this movement stable the bone starts growing outward. This growth outwards are called osteophytes. This can be found around the or near the space of the discs of the facet joints. This condition eats up space. This condition may compress or impinge the structures of the nerves or the spinal cord is near. It would cause pain, tingling, numbness or weakness and it is known as cervical stenosis.

  • Cervical Disc Herniation

The disc degeneration can follow a different course sometimes. The disc outer layer known as annulus fibrosus can be stressed if it sustains high mechanical loads. Gradually there could be small tear grown in annulus.

The outer layer is generally soft and has a gel type center in the disc. The gel in the center is known as nucleus and it may come out from the disc by an anular tear. This is known as herniated disc. In this condition, the disc herniates following the nerve root or spinal cord direction and it may compromise the neurological condition. It could be serious. If it is severe it may make the person paralyzed but this is rare.

Risk Factors for Cervical Degenerative Disc Disease

Everyone may get this cervical degenerative disease with time and with age but some of the conditions may make it worse to some people. The risk factors may include -

  • Genetics - The genes play a crucial role than the lifestyle to determine when the cervical degenerative disease grows and how it can be painful.

  • Obesity - Weight could be a leading factor for increased risk of degenerative disease.

  • Smoking - Smoking can stop the nutrients to reach the discs and make them lose the hydration faster.

What to Do

Only a specialist can help you to learn what is causing the problem by pinpointing the condition of the spine.

See us here at Oklahoma Pain Treatment Centers for a quick recovery from herniated disc. We do herniated disc treatment in OKC and other neck and back pain problems.

**Disclaimer: This blog post does not establish terms of a doctor-patient relationship and is not intended to be taken as a doctor's advice.