Ways to Get Rid of Cervicogenic Headaches

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Excruciating headaches can be your nightmare if it is not treated well. Headaches have many reasons: chronic migraine disorder, stressful work, late night out, or several hours of sitting in front of a laptop/desktop.

Certain treatments can lessen your problem, and pain management doctors play a pivotal role in that context. In this article, you will get a simple overview of that.

Manual therapies involved

With the aid of the pain management doctors, your cervical movements will be screened. They will apply several therapy techniques which include mobilization and manipulation in the areas of the neck. Once your body adapts these techniques, it will help restore the neck’s standard mechanics and it is extremely beneficial to reduce your headaches.

Techniques of stretching

Physical therapy helps relax and stretch the muscles that have already become concrete from the chronic postural loading. Pain management has never been so easy like it is now. Gentle soft tissue massage along with manual stretching is highly beneficial to treat the cervicogenic headaches.

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Correction of your posture

Do you know that cervicogenic headaches can also happen due to prolonged postures? Pain management doctors will help you improve your posture’s correction, which will also reduce the posture’s strain. Under the supervision of pain management doctors, the correct exercise program will help you reduce headaches caused by neck dysfunction.

Intramuscular stimulation technique

This is a technique by which the experts release the trigger pain points which are causing neuropathic pain. Fine needles are inserted into the pain-causing muscle, which ultimately stimulates the tight neck muscles’ relaxation. These tight neck muscles can be the reason for your neck pain. This technique is known as dry needling.

What should you do if you feel cervicogenic headache?

If you feel the symptoms of cervicogenic headache, then you should consult with a physiotherapist as early as possible. After assessing the condition of your head and neck, the physiotherapist will determine whether your headache can be managed by the physiotherapist or not.

  • Therapy that will perform manually

  • daily exercise

  • Proper education about pain management.

Are you also suffering from the irritating headache in OKC? Book your appointment today and visit the Oklahoma Pain Treatment Center in order to get relief.

**Disclaimer: This blog post does not establish terms of a doctor-patient relationship and is not intended to be taken as a doctor's advice.


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