Oklahoma Pain Treatment Centers

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Ways You Can Handle Your Pain Storm Effectively

Pain has become a very common phenomenon among people. People suffering from chronic pain have to face a simple question many times- how's your pain today? The answer might not be as simple as people make it sound. Some people hesitate to talk about their suffering repeatedly. But the doctors need to understand the patient's pain to provide proper medication. Doctors have started recommending pain management plans for patients in Oklahoma City to get accurate results. The main aim is to make the inflammation bearable enough so that it doesn't affect their everyday life.

Types Of Pain

It is important to understand different types of discomfort to make a pain management plan. Here are two types of pain explained:

1. Acute Pain-

This type of pain does not last long and is less severe than chronic pain. Acute pain usually starts if the person has a disease, got injured, or had an infection. A person who is suffering from acute pain feels the following sensations:

  • Stinging

  • Throbbing

  • Sharp nerve

  • Shooting

This pain does not stay long and gets better with normal medications. Pain management doctors suggest not ignoring such discomfort for a long time.

2. Chronic Pain-

This type of pain is more severe and can even last for a year. Patients usually complain about the following symptoms:

  • Burning

  • Dull

  • Throbbing

  • Aching

People who suffer from chronic pain have problems doing their everyday chores. A pain management plan is the best solution for this issue.

Questions That Need To Be Addressed

You need to address certain questions to make a proper pain management plan. Some of those questions are:

  • How long has the pain stayed for?

  • Are there different options for pain management?

  • What are their side effects?

  • Are there alternatives available for over-the-counter medications?

  • If you suffer side effects, what other alternatives are available?

Pain Management Plan Options

Now that you have all the questions addressed, let's talk about your options:

1. Massage Therapy-

The first option that most pain management doctors give is massage therapy. This helps to improve blood circulation in the body and aids in releasing pain-relieving chemicals. Massage therapy is known to have no side effects and can be easily managed in our everyday life.

2. Joint Injections and Laser Therapy-

Some pain management doctors suggest getting joint injections directly into the joints. Laser therapy can also help with reducing pain and inflammation.

3. Medicines-

Some medicines are very effective in reducing chronic pain but fail to solve the problem from its roots.

4. Electric Stimulation-

E-stim is a method in which electrical impulses are used to relieve pain in one's body. There are many different devices available that are portable and can be used at home.

5. Surgical Interventions-

If none of the above options apply to the patient, the doctor suggests surgery. There are different surgical options available depending on the type of pain.

6. Changes In Lifestyle-

The pain management plan also includes small lifestyle changes that can help with improvisation.

  • You can start doing low-impact exercises to keep your body active. Yoga is one such exercise that has shown great results when it comes to chronic pain.

  • Eating foods rich in omega-3 acids can also help reduce inflammation in your body.

Before Making Any Change, Ask A Doctor First

If you are suffering from any such issues and want to make an effective pain management plan, you can contact Oklahoma Pain Treatment Center. We have board-certified physicians on our team who have worked in this field for a long time with precision.

**Disclaimer: These tips are not advised or suggested by doctors. The products that are promoted here are not FDA-CERTIFIED to treat, cure or prevent any disease.