4 Pro Tips To Prevent Herniated Disk And Enjoy A Quality Life

The spine is one of the essential bone structures in our body. This structure is made of a set of bones. A set of discs is also set in the structure, which acts as a cushion. If any of these structures are damaged due to any injury or trauma, you can experience a herniated disk that causes pain.

Whenever you notice intense pain for longer, contact a specialist to get herniated disk treatment. Apart from there are a few ways you can gain control over your physical weakness or condition, whatever you may call it. We have enlisted a few tips so our readers can increase their quality of life and enjoy more. Read on.

Let’s Know What Herniated Disk Is

Basically, the integrated discs of the spine have two parts- the outer layer and the inner layer, which are called the annulus and nucleus. These discs absorb external shocks and protect the spine from harmful factors or exhausting activities. However, when wearing and tear occur in the outer layer, the inner layer is no longer protected and is pushed out into the spinal canal.

The spinal canal is narrow, and there is not enough space to contain both the spinal nerve and the discs. As a result, the discs get displaced and cause pain. You should contact a doctor on an emergency basis to get treatment for a herniated disk.

How Can You Avoid This Problem?

  • Control Your Weight

According to research, obesity higher the risk of a herniated disk. Excessive weight puts immense pressure on your spine because it has to carry your upper body weight most of the time. Maintaining a healthy weight puts less stress on the disc and prevents the herniated condition.

  • You Need to Improve Your Posture

You should maintain a good posture while standing, sitting, running and walking. Keep your shoulder and spine straight and your head up while sitting. Keep in mind that poor postures put pressure on the disc and cause them to be displaced.

  • Quitting Smoking Is Another Herniated Disk Treatment Solution

Research has shown that frequent smoking decreases blood flow and prevents oxygen supply to the lumbar discs. As a result, your disc becomes herniated due to spinal instability and accelerated disc degeneration.

Remember that if you are a smoker and have herniated disk, the doctor may suggest you go through surgery. In that case, the outcome may not be up to the mark because of your poor lifestyle choice.

  • Do Exercise Regular

Regular exercise helps us mobilize body parts and keep them in good condition for a lifetime. That’s why you should exercise daily to strengthen your leg and back muscles, ligaments, tendons and core muscles. Also, aerobic exercise is another example of home-based herniated disk treatment that has gained popularity because it helps to improve the cardiovascular system.

Get In Touch with Us

Stretching daily, utilizing lifting techniques while carrying heavy things, managing stress and changing position may help you to prevent such poor physical conditions and keep them at bay. It would be better if you seek medical attention quickly to get herniated disk treatment. Consult with our experts at Oklahoma Pain Treatment Centers.

**Disclaimer: These tips are not advised or suggested by doctors. The products that are promoted here are not FDA-CERTIFIED to treat, cure or prevent any disease.


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