Ways Stress Can Cause Tension on Your Shoulder and Back

In recent times everyone has been suffering from some kind of stress. It was recorded that in the USA, around 80% of employees are suffering from work-related stress, and around 60% of adults in Oklahoma City suffer from anxiety issues on a daily basis. It is because we are expected to have a balanced life, but no one knows the right way to master it.

Some people have to manage a household, keep a good social life, and carry a full load of work, which can get very stressful. As this routine keeps going on for a long time, it starts affecting the body, especially our neck and shoulders.. From small impact, it leads to chronic pain if left untreated for a prolonged period. For this, only doctors from pain clinics in Oklahoma City can help you to reduce this pain. Let’s discuss how stress affects our bodies.

Stress & Back Pain: How Are They Related?

Everyone will agree that feeling extreme pain is a psychological and physical phenomenon. This means when you experience pain, it does not just affect your body but also your mental health. It is also seen that pain can directly affect your behavior and make you have mood swings. When we go through stress, it has a negative effect on our body that in turn causes muscle tension and pain. Doctors from pain clinics suggest that stress can be our body’s response to going through hard challenges every day.

How Can Stress Lead to Pain?

There are many hormones that are released during stress, like adrenaline, norepinephrine, and cortisol. The body is known to release adrenaline to prepare the body to fight, which in turn can increase your heart rate and blood pressure. As soon as the brain recognizes the threat, it releases cortisol hormone, which increases the glucose in your blood.

It also contributes to enhancing the availability of many substances that help repair your tissues. Norepinephrine can also increase focus and mental awareness. When the hormones remain at a high level due to stress, they can constrict blood vessels and reduce blood flow to soft tissue. This can cause pain in your back and shoulder.

Stretches That Can Help

If you are just started experiencing shoulder and back pain, then you can try doing certain stretches, but if still it does not help, then you should try going to an experienced pain clinic to get further help. Some of the stretches that might help are:

  • Neck exercise

  • Shoulder to ear exercise

  • Shoulder raises

  • Shoulder rolls

  • Cross arm stretch

  • Forward bend

  • Meditation

Seek Help from the Professionals

Doctors at Oklahoma Pain Treatment Centre first do a comprehensive evaluation of their patient and then chooses the best approach suitable for them. Call to schedule an appointment if you are suffering from unbearable neck and back pain.

**Disclaimer: These tips are not advised or suggested by doctors. The products that are promoted here are not FDA CERTIFIED to treat, cure or prevent any disease.


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