Treatment Options for Low Back Pain

Back pain is a major source of disability around the world, and it's one of the most familiar reasons for individuals go to the doctor or miss work.

Fortunately, you can take efforts to prevent or lessen back pain in the vast majority of cases. Basic home treatment and proper body mechanics will often fix your back and keep it functional within a few weeks if prevention fails. Surgery is rarely used to alleviate back pain.

Back pain can range from a mild aching in the muscles to a shooting, scorching, or stabbing pain in the back. Furthermore, when you bend, twist, raise, stand, or walk, discomfort may migrate down your leg or worsen.

When Should You Consult A Physician?

With self-care and home treatment, most back pain improves over time, usually within a few weeks. Consult your doctor if your back pain persists.

  • Lasts for several weeks

  • It's excruciating and doesn't seem to improve with rest.

  • The pain travels down one or both legs, particularly if it is below the knee.

  • Weakness, tingling or numbness in one or both legs.

  • Is accompanied by an unexplained weight loss

Back pain can sometimes be an indication of a serious medical problem. If you're experiencing back pain, visit a doctor immediately away:

  • Got bowel or bladder problems

  • Is accompanied by a fever

  • It occurs as a result of a fall, a back blow, or another injury.


Back pain frequently occurs for no apparent reason that can be determined by your doctor through a test or imaging study. Back pain is frequently linked to the following conditions:

  • Muscle or ligament strain - Back muscles and ligaments can be strained by heavy lifting or an abrupt painful movement. If you're in poor physical form, constant back stress might cause severe muscular spasms.

  • Bulge or ruptured disk - Disks serve as cushions between the bones of your spine (vertebrae). The soft material of a disk might expand or break, exerting pressure on a nerve. On the other side, a bulging or ruptured disk may not cause any back pain. When you get X-rays of your spine for another reason, you may find out you have disk disease.

  • Arthritis - Osteoarthritis can damage the lower back. Spinal stenosis, or a narrowing of the region around the spinal cord, can be caused by arthritis in the spine in rare cases.

  • Osteoporosis - The vertebrae in your spine can suffer serious fractures if your bones become porous and weak.


By improving your physical condition and understanding and practicing good body mechanics, you may be able to avoid or prevent back discomfort.

To keep your back healthy and powerful, do the following:

  • Exercise - Low-impact aerobics activities, or those that don't strain or jolt your back, can help you build back strength and endurance, as well as improve the function of your muscles. Swimming and walking are both terrific options. Discuss the hobbies you might want to attempt with your doctor.

  • Strengthen and stretch your muscles - Exercises that build your core, such as abdominal and back muscle strengthening, assist prepare these muscles to operate together like a natural corset for your back.

  • Keep a healthy weight - Obesity puts a burden on the back muscles. If you're overweight, losing weight can help you avoid back pain.

  • Give up smoking - Smoking raises your chances of developing low back discomfort. Because the risk rises with the quantity of cigarettes smoked each day, stopping should help lower it.

Back pain can be debilitating to carry your daily life, therefore, come to us at Oklahoma Pain Treatment Centers.

**Disclaimer: These tips are not advised or suggested by doctors. The products that are promoted here are not FDA CERTIFIED to treat, cure or prevent any disease


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