Basics You Should Know About Brachial Neuritis Symptoms

What is Brachial Neuritis?

It is a type of peripheral neuropathy that affects our shoulder, chest, arm and hand. The nerves which transfer the signals from the spinal cords and brain to other body parts and vice versa, can lose their function and feel pain in this disease. This condition is rare and also known as brachial plexus injury or brachial neuropathy. When it occurs, you can experience damage to the brachial nerves suddenly. It is also known as neuralgic amyotrophy or Parsonage-Turner syndrome. Therefore, whenever you experience a problem, do not wait. You should visit the pain management doctors as soon as possible.

This condition affects the lower part of the brachial plexus, in the hand and arm. Though it just affects one side of the body but involves other parts of the body too. There are mainly two types of brachial plexus injuries - Acute brachial neuritis and Brachial plexus injury.

The Symptoms

There are no such symptoms that you can experience before the problem occurs. You experience the disease without any warning symptoms. The patients may awake in the night due to sudden pain. Apart from that, patients can experience pain in the upper arm and the shoulder. The patient may feel pain in the hand or neck. You also cannot control the muscles in the shoulder or arm. After a few days, you may get paralyzed

The Reasons

In this condition, the nerves which carry the signals to the brain and vice versa get damaged and feel pain. This occurs because of another injury or illness. But keep in mind that the weakness and pain occur without any warning signs.

The Diagnosis and Treatment

If in your case, the pain management doctors doubt that you may suffer from brachial neuritis, then he or they do electromyography to determine the extent and specific nature of the nerve damage. In a few cases, the problem can be solved over time. The pain management doctors may provide corticosteroids to reduce the pain. Generally, the experts do not know how to prevent brachial neuritis. It is recommended that you should avoid shoulder and arm injuries. But overall, you cannot do anything to prevent the condition.

Consult with Your Physician

Brachial neuritis is a rare disease and you have to take quick actions to stop the problem immediately. There is no time to waste your precious time. You can contact Oklahoma Pain Treatment Centers to get guidance and proper treatment within time in Norman.

**Disclaimer: These tips are not advised or suggested by doctors. The products that are promoted here are not FDA CERTIFIED to treat, cure or prevent any disease.


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