Oklahoma Pain Treatment Centers

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The Effect of the Covid 19 Pandemic on Doctor/ Patient Relationship

The covid-19 pandemics have changed a lot around the world. One of the major changes has occurred in medical service. Doctors have to change the way of evaluating, treating and interacting with patients. The pandemic has enlightened a few facts that play an important role in this situation and help both doctor and patient to get through and overcome this situation.

The Important Facts to Know

  • Visual Communication Is Important

The patient and doctor both were facing problems during the conversation over the phone as both sides could not see each other's facial gestures, body movements, visual cues and facial connections while talking. But after a while, both parties have started to do video calls as now both can understand what the other party speaks about. The patient is getting courage through the video call to see the doctor and he/she is gaining more confidence while communicating with the patient visually. The pandemic has taught us the importance of visual communication.

Tips: When you speak with the doctor on a video call, you have to emphasize the demonstration so that the doctor can understand what you are trying to say.

  • Self-examination Is Also Necessary

Touch and feel are two major parts of medical practice. Doctors want to feel their temperature, trigger points, tight muscles and see the muscle strength and nerve function. But now, in this current pandemic situation doctors cannot examine their patients directly. Here comes the importance of self-examination. While visually communicating through video call, the doctor asks the patients what they feel when moving into specific positions and also the patients have to use balls and foam rollers for finding the trigger point that the doctor would normally examine with their own hands.

Tips: Now you can better understand a few problems and solutions by learning self-examination.

The Other Advantages

  1. You can consult with your family physician by staying in your home. At first, you may feel uncomfortable but after a while, you will find more comfort, peace and express yourself more.

  2. Doctors will get to know a little bit about their patients and it will help them to make a special connection with the patients and empathize with them and that we need the most from each other in this pandemic situation.

If you feel uneasy and in pain for a few weeks and cannot reduce pain by applying ointments or taking painkillers, then you should contact the pain management doctors as soon as possible. Reach us at Oklahoma Pain Treatment Centers in OKC for getting help to get rid of the problems permanently.

**Disclaimer: This blog post does not establish terms of a doctor-patient relationship and is not intended to be taken as a doctor's advice