How Pain Management Doctors Can Help You Manage Spinal Pain?

Young woman stretching suffering from sudden back pain, tensed muscles after long sedentary work in incorrect posture at home, stressed girl having backache, feeling ache between shoulder blades

The spine is an amazing bone structure — did you know it can bend as far as more than a half-circle? But when a spinal compression fracture happens, the pain becomes unbearable. You need to see a pain management doctor immediately to get some much-needed pain relief.

What Is Spinal Compression Failure?

Women over 40 years of age are more likely to get hit by back pain issues due to osteoporosis, an aging-related issue where the bones in the body get spongy. This lowers bone strength and they tend to get broken more easily. If they do break, they take more time to heal as well.

The same problem, when applied to the spine, becomes a very serious issue. Spinal compression failure is a result of this issue, a very complicated and painful problem. This mostly happens when the spine bones crush inward when a big pressure is applied to the spine, more than it can handle at that time. For example, lifting a heavy object.

How to Treat Spinal Compression Failure?

The first thing you will notice when this happens is extreme pain in the back. Whatever you do, you can’t move forward until you reduce that pain. For this reason, pain management doctors can help a lot.

Managing the Pain

Don’t go for OTC pain meds as they are never balanced with your present condition and other medications you may be taking. Instead, see a licensed pain management doctor to consult and get pain meds from them. It would be great if the doctor has a prepackaged medication dispensing system at the clinic — then you can save the trips to the pharmacies.

The pain meds the doctor will give you may vary depending upon the location of the fracture and how serious it is, as well as your present physical condition. In some cases, a single drug taken regularly may suffice. In some other cases, a stronger pain medication combined with other meds that suppress the side effects may be necessary.

Depending upon what the pain is mostly coming from (muscle, bone, or nerve), the type and mix of medication can change as well. In some cases of muscle pain, the doctor may give you some muscle relaxant to help you ease. With pain from nerves, you may be surprised to see the doctor prescribing an antidepressant.

Bed Rest and/or Surgery

Whatever the medication may be, strict bed rest for a good amount of time is very useful in case of spinal compression failures. Note that the time period of the rest is worth caring about.

As osteoporosis increases with inactivity, it’s not a good idea to stay in bed for a long time. Just enough time to start the healing process is enough. You should ask your pain management doctor about the time minutely.

In some extreme cases, surgery is needed, maybe with inserting back braces to support a permanently damaged spinal column.

If you want to treat Spinal Compression Failure or any other bone related problem, then please consult with the specialists of Oklahoma Pain Treatment Centre in Norman, OK and they will guide you to deal with the problem with ease.

**Disclaimer: This blog post does not establish terms of a doctor-patient relationship and is not intended to be taken as a doctor's advice


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