Herniated Disk: Things You Must Know About

Have you ever experienced sharp pain in your arms, shoulders, and legs? These could indicate a bunch of health conditions. A herniated disk in the back or neck is one of them. Most people aged between 30 to 50 years suffer from herniated disks.

Avoiding such problems for a long time can cost you your comfort and good health. You should seek herniated disk treatment as soon as possible to eliminate the pain. Please read this article to know what it is, the symptoms, how to diagnose it and potential therapies.

What Is a Herniated Disk?

It is an injury in your spine. The spine is a series of bones that start from the base of your skull to the tailbone. The disks between the vertebrae allow you to move and bend. When one of those disks gets torn, doctors diagnose it as a herniated disk.

According to research, 2 % of people suffer from herniated disks yearly which is the underlying cause of back and leg pain. This problem can occur anywhere along the spine but mainly damages the neck and lower back.

What Are the Symptoms of Herniated Disks?

Herniated disks create pressure on the spinal nerve and cause pain. When the herniated disk presses against the nerve, you may experience weakness and numbness.

Remember, it does not only cause back pain but also sciatica. As a result, you may also experience tingling and burning sensations from your buttock through your leg and down to the foot. Your hands, arms and fingers also get affected by this problem.

How Can You Diagnose Herniated Disk?

First, your health care provider performs a physical test to check your condition. The specialist also assesses your muscle reflex, pain, strength, and sensation. They also recommend X-rays, MRI, myelogram, computed tomography and EMG.

What Are the Treatment Options?

There are both invasive and non-invasive herniated disk treatments available. Initially, your doctor may recommend resting for a while and give injections to reduce symptoms.

Physicians also suggest physical therapy, including temperature therapy, ultrasound, stretching exercises, manual manipulation and electrical stimulation to get long-lasting results. If all these treatment options do not help to better your condition, the doctor may perform surgery.

You're in Good Hands

A herniated disk reduces your quality of life. Try to get herniated disk treatment ASAP. You can consult with our experts at Oklahoma Pain Treatment Centers to learn more about this.

**Disclaimer: These tips are not advised or suggested by doctors. The products that are promoted here are not FDA CERTIFIED to treat, cure or prevent any disease.


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