Do You Need Back Surgery? - Spine Specialists Weigh in

Back surgery is a pretty major medical procedure. Most doctors recommend going that way only after all other options have been exhausted. Surgical procedures are undertaken when there is a serious problem with the spine or when there is severe nerve damage, causing pain and numbness.

The most common type of surgery is laminectomy. The process involves removing a small section of the vertebrae on the spinal cord. Other popular types of back surgery include spine fusion, where the vertebrae are joined together to stabilize the spine, and disk replacement, where a damaged disk is removed and replaced with an artificial one. Before considering surgery, it is important to discuss the various risks and benefits with your spine specialist.

Given below are 5 signs that indicate that you may be in need of spine surgery.

#1 Pain Radiates to the Upper and Lower Limbs

Our spine is comprised of 33 vertebrae stacked on top of each other. The spinal cord is a bundle of nerves that passes through the tunnel-like cavity created by the hollow center of the vertebral bones. The spinal nerves affect different parts of the body. If the nerves in your lower back become pinched, you will experience a condition known as radiculopathy. In radiculopathy, the pain radiates to your arms and legs, often accompanied by weakness and numbness. Radiculopathy can be easily relieved via surgery.

#2 Back Pain Shows No Sign of Improving Even After Multiple Treatments

Back pain is classified as chronic when it lasts for 12 weeks or more. If the pain persists (and progressively gets worse) even after trying all different types of treatments -

● Physical therapy

● Anti-inflammatory medicines

● Steroid injections

● Epidural injections

● Lifestyle changes

then it is likely that the underlying cause is more serious than we think. Discuss the option of getting surgery with your spine specialists.

#3 Your Mobility is Getting Affected

Chronic back pain is about more than just pain. The pain can debilitate you and hamper your mobility. When your ability to move gets compromised, your quality of life plummets. You will no longer be able to enjoy physical activity. It may even keep you from work and reduce your chances of landing a job in certain industries. Regain control of your life with back surgery.

#4 Signs of A Progressing Spinal Deformity

Spinal deformities like scoliosis occur due to abnormal curvature or improper rotation of the spine. A spinal deformity can worsen from a past injury. Other times, you may have a slight curvature in your spine that becomes steeper with time. Eventually, this deteriorates your spine and compresses internal organs. Surgical intervention can treat advanced cases of scoliosis.

#5 You Have a Spinal Fracture

Spinal fractures are a result of injuries. Usually, traditional treatments - physical therapy and mechanical support like back braces suffice to heal the fracture. Your vertebrae should be crack-a-lackin’ with around 12-14 weeks of healing. However, there are some cases where conservative treatments are not good enough. A spine specialist will be able to walk you through surgery options. Today medical advancements have developed minimally invasive treatments like laser spine surgery among others.


Get opinions from the nation’s very best spine specialists, now right here in Oklahoma City. Oklahoma Pain Treatment Centers, OKC is a pain clinic that is well known for its interdisciplinary approach to treatment. Drop us a line at (405) 751-0011 or visit our website today!


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