Facts on Pain You Might Not Know

While chronic pain affects millions of people worldwide, it is not common. More Americans than cancer, heart disease and combined diabetes are affected by pain! This is a good reason why we should know as much about pain as possible, how to treat the symptoms and underlying problems properly.

So, exactly what is chronic pain? When does it need to be treated by pain management doctors in OKC? It is characterized as more than 12 weeks of pain. Chronic pain is chronic, with pain signals lasting days, months and even years, if you are not seeking treatment. It can be attributed to an accident, continuing infection or no evidence of the root cause.

Pain Is Physical and Psychological

Dealing each day for a long period of time with chronic pain symptoms often leads to increased depression, the overall feeling of helplessness, anxiety and many other negative emotional problems. It can begin to affect every aspect of the life of a patient! Long-term physical suffering can make you lose sleep, irritate you more, affect your ability to focus and even have a negative effect on your relationship with others.

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Lower Back Pain Is Common

Many people will have back pain at least once in their lives. Around 20% of people with short-term back pain experience chronic back pain. There are many reasons for lower back pain. It can be due to trauma, high lifting exposure, insufficient workout or a range of other common incidents.

Smoking Increases Pain

Cigarette chemicals damage your blood vessels, reducing your joint blood flow. Smoking makes patients more severe due effect of tobacco on the nervous system. Smoking can prolong the healing process or even increase the risk of potential injuries. It is also common for people who smoke cigarettes to take more pain medication than those who do not smoke to seek relief.

Pain Is Emotional

Pain affects more than your body, particularly chronic pain. It is emotionally exhausting and can contribute (comprehensibly) to emotional anger and frustration. So, pain so pressure can turn to a painful circle: Pain goes up with stress levels and increases stress can worsen the pain. It can cause depression and make focus difficult.

Women Feel More Pain

Women experience more pain than men throughout their lives because of menstruation, birth and migraine headaches. Studies also show women suffering differently— often more profoundly— than men. For instance, some animal studies demonstrate that women need pain medication twice as much to receive the same relief as men. There is, however, contradictory research into whether females are generally more pain resistant than males (although millions of women who have gone through birth may disagree).

Brain Does Not Feel Pain

If you stub something warm, your body gives away chemicals that send signals of pain into receptors in the brain through your spinal cord. The brain then sends the signal of the pain to the body. Nevertheless, although it is the pain transmitter, the brain itself has no pain-sensitive nerves. The structures around the brain experience pain. For one technique called brain mapping, the surgeons analyze brain tissue during the analysis of reactions such as muscle movement and voice, while the patient is conscious.

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Contact Oklahoma Pain Treatment for pain management in OKC.

**Disclaimer: This blog post does not establish terms of a doctor-patient relationship and is not intended to be taken as a doctor's advice.


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