Do Spinal Cord Stimulators Really Work On Pain?

Everybody knows that the spinal cord is one of the main parts of the central nervous system. Therefore, its proper function is a very important factor in someone’s life. Central nervous system controls the sensory information such as touch, pressure, pain, etc. of the body. If the spinal cord is damaged, you may notice various problems including difficulty breathing, loss of bowel control, loss of movement and many more. A spine specialist may recommend using a spine cord stimulator to cure the problem as much as possible. Read the article to know what it is, its usage, type and benefits.

What Is a Spinal Cord Stimulator?

Spinal cord stimulators contain a battery pack which is known as a generator and thin wires. Doctors place the generator under the skin, near the abdomen and place the electrodes between the spinal cord and the vertebrae. If the patients feel pain, they can send the electrical impulses via remote control.

Why Is It Used?

If you are suffering from one of these conditions, then the spine specialist may recommend you to use a spine cord stimulator. The following diseases are, pinched nerves, post-knee replacement pain, post-hip replacement pain, spinal stenosis, neuropathy, shingles pain, peripheral vascular disease, complex regional pain syndrome, shingles pain, perineal pain and Visceral abdominal pain.

A spine specialist may provide you with non-surgical treatment to reduce your pain. But if the pain does not go away, then in that case, they use the stimulator. It not only reduces the pain but also increases the quality of sleep. Patients can use this along with other activities such as exercise, medical therapy, and physical therapy and relaxation methods.

Types of Spinal Cord Stimulators

There are two types of stimulators - traditional and rechargeable generators. The patient can recharge the generator and there is no need to do another surgery. But when it comes to traditional surgery, the patient has to undergo surgery again. Rechargeable generators last for longer periods compared to traditional but you have to recharge them twice per week.

Who Is the Ideal Candidate?

If your pain does not reduce after using nonsurgical treatment, then the doctor may recommend you to use the spinal cord stimulator. Moreover, if you do not suffer from any psychiatric disorders, then it is suitable for you.

Say Bye to Your Pain

If the pain decreases your quality of life and you cannot take part in any outdoor activities, then it's time to take advantage of a spinal cord stimulator. Contact Oklahoma Pain Treatment Centers to know more about this matter.

**Disclaimer: These tips are not advised or suggested by doctors. The products that are promoted here are not FDA CERTIFIED to treat, cure or prevent any disease.


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