Oklahoma Pain Treatment Centers

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Did You Say Pain Relief? The Top 3 Sciatica Stretches to Try

It is common for a lot of people in Oklahoma City to notice tension in the hamstrings, lower back, and piriformis muscles. And what do all of these indicate? The awful sciatica pains. Popular pain clinics like Oklahoma Pain Treatment Centers understand the value of sciatica stretches to combat this painful trauma. (Our experts have handpicked some of the best for you.)

There is an endless stream of stretches that sciatica patients can perform to relieve the symptoms. Of course, nothing beats the reliability and attention of pain management doctors; you can try these exercises to notice sustainable improvements. Enough talking! Now let’s get to the point and hover around the essential stretches.

Get Ready to Stretch with Sitting Pigeon Pose

It is one of the most pain-relieving poses that you can try. At first, sit on the floor and stretch out your legs in front of you. The next move is to bend your right leg and place your right ankle over the left knee. After that, begin to lean forward, making your upper body draw close to your thighs. You need to hold this posture for 16 to 32 seconds. It is one of the best exercises to stretch your lower back and glutes. (Do not forget to repeat on the other side.) Most pain clinics suggest this super-effective exercise for significant relief in pain.

Switching to Reclining Pigeon Pose

This ultra-common yoga pose helps stretch the hips. The exercise features multiple versions. Here is how you can start with the reclining pigeon pose.

Be on your back and stretch your right leg at a 90-degree angle. Then, you must clasp your hands behind the thighs and lock your fingers. Start lifting your left leg and put your right ankle over the left knee. Hold this posture for a few seconds. According to the expert pain management doctors of Oklahoma Pain Treatment Centers, this pose helps lower the inflammation of piriformis muscles and stretch the hip rotator muscles.

Standard Seated Stretch

You must sit on a comfortable chair and cross the pain-laden leg over the other leg’s knee. Start bending forward with your chest and attempt to keep your spine straight. If everything feels normal, you may bend a bit more for a better stretch. Hold for a few seconds and repeat with the other leg. Above all, it is better to visit the pain clinic in Okc and talk to a physician for quick results.

Breaking the Partnership with Pain

Oklahoma Pain Treatment Centers, Oklahoma City comprise a team of highly trained and experienced doctors ready to combat trouble-inducing pain. We give utmost importance to the holistic healing approach for effective results. Contact us to learn more about our services.

**Disclaimer: These tips are not advised or suggested by doctors. The products that are promoted here are not FDA CERTIFIED to treat, cure or prevent any disease.