Understanding the Procedure - Discogram

Nowadays, back pain is one of the most common lifestyle issues in the United States. According to research, approx. 50 million people suffered from chronic back pain in 2016. A back specialist uses a discogram to find out the cause of the pain in your back. If you have a lot of questions, then read this article to learn about the discogram process and how it works.

What Is a Discogram?

It is an imaging test which doctors use to evaluate back pain. This procedure is also known as discography. This procedure helps the doctor to understand if a particular disc in the spine causes back pain. Spinal discs remain between the bones of the spine like a sponge. These are made of a jelly-like substance and cartilage. The back specialists inject a dye into the soft center of the discs. They can also move the dye in the exterior of the disc. It can be seen on an X-ray later.

How Does It Work?

First of all, a physician uses a monitor named fluoroscope to see into the spine. Then, he or she inserts a needle into the center part of the disc space by using the machine. Next, the specialist injects a dye into the injured disc. After that, the dye floods the disc and the expert can see it through the fluoroscope monitor. The dye is also able to recreate the pain so a back specialist can determine the source of the pain.

What You Have to Remember?

  • Before the Procedure

In the beginning, you have to discuss with your doctor the advantages and the risk factors of the process. Do not eat or drink anything from midnight before the test. You should also ask the doctor before taking any medications prior to your exam. You may not be able to drive right after the procedure.

  • During the Process

The doctor may start the IV for relaxation medication. You will awake during the process. The back specialist may ask you to lie on your stomach. After that, they may use a local anesthetic on your back. This process may take approx. 30 to 45 minutes.

  • After the Approach

You may experience pain for a day or two after the test. You can apply pain medication and ice packs to reduce the discomfort.

Don’t Suffer in Silence

People who are suffering from chronic pain for a longer period may have lost hope. Remember the longer you wait, the less chance you have to get a solution. Contact a doctor to diagnose your problem with a discogram procedure. Consult with Oklahoma Pain Treatment Centers today to schedule an appointment. They also provide Tele-pain appointments for new and established patients in OKC.

**Disclaimer: These tips are not advised or suggested by doctors. The products that are promoted here are not FDA CERTIFIED to treat, cure or prevent any disease.


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