Uncovering the Less Known and Most Significant Causes of Neck Pain

Almost 20% of the population in Norman, OK, face the devastating effects of neck pain. This health condition invites several difficulties and acts as a happiness obstructor. Moreover, it can be challenging to pinpoint the primary cause of the issue. Hence, it will help if you take the assistance of a famous pain management doctor.

Neck pain is undoubtedly an unfortunate occurrence. Although many people seek the best treatment options, they fail to recognize the pain-elevating cause. Hence it becomes difficult to obtain holistic healing. This article will highlight the most primary and less known causes of cervical pain.

  • Tension in the Muscles

Many people in Norman, OK, witness the complication of muscle tension. However, they hardly recognize its link with severe neck pain. Several factors can invite this issue, from stress and anxiety to work-centric repetitive movements. Moreover, the consistent contraction of neck muscles leads to stiffness, pain, and inflammation.

Muscle tightness develops an imbalance in your neck's alignment and positioning. This condition often invites the possibility of pinched nerves. It is crucial to identify the underlying cause for addressing cervical pain.

  • Improper Posture

A significantly common cause of neck pain is improper posture. Hunching over or slouching puts excessive strain on the cervical tissues and muscles. This posture problem gives rise to stiffness and pain. Hence, it is essential to consult a reliable pain management doctor.

We had a few patients from Norman, OK, with severe neck pain. Besides giving them the experience of exceptional healing, we shared a few posture-correcting tips. Simply put, our experienced physicians restored their potential to live life pain-free.

It will be best if you emphasize sitting up straight in the chair. While standing, maintain the even distribution of weight on both feet. Also, use a pillow to support your neck in a neutral position while sleeping.

  • The Presence of Arthritis

Arthritis seems to be the common neck pain initiator in older adults. Osteoarthritis is a condition wherein the cartilage between your joints witnesses wear and tear. This condition can aggravate cervical stiffness and pain. Moreover, arthritis can also lead to neck inflammation, exacerbating the pain.

  • Pinched Nerve

Pinched nerves create the possibility of tingling, pain, or stiffness in the affected region. This condition occurs due to the irritation or compression of the nerves. Moreover, a bone spur or herniated disc mainly leads to this undesired issue.

Pain! Pain! Go Away!

The pain management doctors of Oklahoma Pain Treatment Centers show an exit gate to your neck pain. Our board-certified physicians adopt a balanced approach to establish a healing ambiance. We take the pain management duty seriously and rely on a minimally-invasive treatment. It's time to rise above the trauma!

**Disclaimer: These tips are not advised or suggested by doctors. The products that are promoted here are not FDA CERTIFIED to treat, cure or prevent any disease.


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