Types of Pain and Its Origin

Acute pain is the way your body can wave a red flag, often because of injury, for immediate attention. On the other hand, chronic pain stays for days, months or years in length, and affects over 76.2 million people in America — more than cancer, diabetes, and cumulative cardiac disease. However, how much do you really know? Eight hidden details on pain have been rounded up by us. The pain management doctors in OKC can deal with every pain.

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Physical and emotional pain is important to take care of, especially chronic pain. It can contribute (understandably) to feelings such as anger and frustration and emotionally stressful. Yet pain pressure can be vicious: pain can enhance stress and heightened stress can intensify the pain. This can lead to depression and make concentration difficult.

Women Experience More Pain Than Men

This is because of circumstances and experiences such as menstruation, conception, and headaches. In addition, women experience more pain than men during their lives. Research also indicates that women are likely–often more severely–to suffer pain differently from men. For instance, some animal studies show that women need twice as many pain medications as men to obtain the same relief.

Nevertheless, contradictory work is underway on the question of whether women are generally more pain-tolerant than men. Pain management in OKC from Oklahoma Pain Treatment can heal the pain among women.

Brains Do Not Feel Pain

Your body releases chemicals that transmit pain signaling through the recipients of the brain through the spinal cord if you stub or touch something cold. The brain then transmits the message of pain back to the body. Nevertheless, even if the brain itself is the source of pain, there are no pain-sensitive nerves. The structures around the brain are the only ones that have pain. For one procedure called brain imaging, surgeons measure brain tissue and monitor responses such as muscle movement and voice while the patient is awake.

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Back Pain

All of those doling backs are the most common condition of pain! 27% say low backpain pain is their most common pain, accompanied by headaches and migraines (15%) in a survey conducted by the National Institutes of Health. We spend at least $50 billion on backpain relief every year for more than 26 million Americans aged 20-64. How can chronic back pain better be alleviated? Experts say that it can make a real difference to use a combination of gentle regular stretching and enhancing exercises and achieving and maintaining a healthy body mass.


Gout disease was once called kings' disease because it is blamed for too much to eat and drink, a debilitating form of arthritis affecting about three million people annually. We today know that gout— and its associated pain — is caused by the accumulation of uric acid in the blood that causes the formation of sharp crystals within joints.

Creaky Joints in (Pre)History

Osteoarthritis is a type of arthritis which causes chronic pain because of progressive joint wear and tear. It also plagued people for a long time, in fact, human skeletons from the ice age (before 8000 BC) have been diagnosed with osteoarthritis and were detected during X-ray examinations of Egyptian mummies. But although osteoarthritis has always been around, the cause is still not fully understood by doctors.

Are you suffering from any such pain? Visit Oklahoma Pain Treatment Center for pain management doctors in OKC.

**Disclaimer: This blog post does not establish terms of a doctor-patient relationship and is not intended to be taken as a doctor's advice.


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