Scoliosis Diagnosis and Treatment: The Right Ways

Even though it is unfortunate enough, it is true that over 9 million people in the USA are affected by scoliosis. The disease is primarily noticed among teenagers aged between 10 years and 15 years. However, infants may also get affected. Simply like any other illnesses, scoliosis can be mild and it can be severe. Seeing a back specialist in OKC can help in treating scoliosis.

Scoliosis is not a very uncommon disease. But people do not know how to treat scoliosis. It is noticed that women are more prone to experience the curve in their spines. The treatment depends on the individual who are affected and how severe the disease is.

When a back specialist checks the patients, they can diagnose the severity and decide the course of treatment.

Knowing the Disease

Scoliosis is a disease of the spine and it makes the spine to curve. Most of the time, this disease is noticed among adolescents. However, even children may get affected as well as young adults may also get scoliosis.

The common symptoms that a back specialist in OKC will refer to are back pain, curved spine, uneven hip and shoulder. Even uneven waist is also noticed in some patients or a shoulder blade that sticks outside abnormally.

Treatment of Scoliosis

Depending on the severity and age of the patient a specialist will change the treatment process. However, the process starts with the patient visiting a back pain doctor. The doctor checks whether the patient has any type of muscle issues such as numbness or weakness.

The patient may also be asked go through a test for their reflexes. The doctor may need to perform an X-ray or an MRI to find out the curve in the spine. There are different processes of treatment that can be followed:

  • Back brace: A back specialist prescribes back brace to make sure that the spine does not get more curved. A back brace will not fix the already curved spine. But when a back brace is administered on children, it helps them while their growing age. The patient needs to wear the brace for around 16-18 hours. It does not hamper the daily activity.

  • Exercise: Just like back braces, exercising will not fix the damage that is already done. But it will help the patients in improving their conditions. Daily exercising helps patients in maintaining agility. Also, exercise helps patients in managing weight as being overweight can exaggerate the pain and discomfort of scoliosis.

Patients with scoliosis can visit Oklahoma Pain Treatment Centers as it is known to treat scoliosis successfully for years. Are you one of the patients? Book your slot now!

**Disclaimer: These tips are not advised or suggested by doctors. The products that are promoted here are not FDA CERTIFIED to treat, cure or prevent any disease.


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