Oklahoma Pain Treatment Centers

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Herniated Disc Handling- What Needs to Be Done?

Many people have lower back pain whether it is constant, sharp, intermittent, or shooting. Even if you can't remember having back pain for three days, you should see a doctor if it is accompanied by heaviness, numbness, or shooting in your leg. It could be a herniated disk (occasionally known as bulging discs) which is also called herniated lumbago.

It occurs when the jelly-like fluid pushes on or out of place or leaks out of the ring of our spinal vertebrae. It hurts when the disc is no longer in the cavity, as the fluid presses on the nerve outside the disc. You need to go for herniated disc treatment as soon as possible.

Reasons Behind herniated discs

  • Slip-and-fall: Lifting with your back can put pressure on your lower backbones, causing them to rupture.

  • Weight: when you gain weight, the lower back disks become less mobile.

  • Lifting heavy objects that strain your back: Many jobs necessitate a great deal of physical effort. While these activities aren't really bad for us, they certainly cause fatigue for our horses. Even if you don't feel any sudden motion, abrupt movement, repetitive stress could lead to disc herniation.

  • Constant travel or inactivity: Sitting for long periods of time in the car, plus vehicle vibration, will negatively affect your spine and your discs.

  • Smoking: People think that smoking shortens the supply of oxygen, which causes deterioration.

Tests and Diagnosis

Your doctor will conduct a physical examination during which he will look for soreness in your back. If you're going to be asked to lie flat while you are tested, and move your legs around, it is in order to help with the detection of the cause of your pain.

The doctor may also do a neurological exam to screen for cognitive defects:

  • Nervous system

  • Overall muscle strength

  • Fine motor control

  • Sense of touch lightness, pins, pungency, or vibration

In most cases, a doctor can diagnose the herniated disc based on physical exam and the patient's medical history depending on the diagnosis, your doctor may order any of these tests:

Herniated Disc Treatments

Once your chiropractor has established that you have one or more herniated discs, the doctor will make recommendations on which procedures are appropriate for you.

Non-Surgical Treatments

No matter what method is used, the first treatment will be surgery followed by a non-surgical plan.

  • To release pressure from the nerve

  • Treating with heat and ice

  • Inhibitors for pain management

  • Pain medication to dull the pain

  • Oral nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications to aid in pain management


If after six weeks there's no sign of improvement, a neurosurgeon can carry out a scalpel operation. Some surgeries are successful in curing only about 10% of those who experience a recurrence in the same location. See us at Oklahoma Pain Treatment Centers if you wish to go for appropriate herniated disc treatment.

**Disclaimer: This blog post does not establish terms of a doctor-patient relationship and is not intended to be taken as a doctor's advice.