Few Popular Myths about Herniated Disks

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Nowadays back pain is one of the most common problems in the world. Most people suffer from it due to their lifestyle. There are various reasons behind back pain including herniated disks. To get rid of this problem, you have to contact a specialist for herniated disk treatment. You probably have heard various myths regarding the disks already and here, we have checked the myths and found out the actual facts.

  • There Is a Chance That Disks Slip Out of the Place

This myth is entirely false. Disks can herniate, it cannot slip out of the place. Keep in mind that disks mainly have two parts - the annulus fibrosus and the nucleus pulposus. As the ligaments held the disks so, they cannot move. But sometimes the inner layer is able to protrude past the annulus fibrosus in various ways - Extrusion, Degeneration Sequestration and Protrusion.

When the layer of the gel goes from the center to the edges of the disk, then this condition is called Degeneration. If the inner layer stays intact and drills through the outside layer, then the condition is known as Extrusion.

  • MRI Will Pinpoint the Pain

No doubt that this myth is also false. The doctor suggests doing Magnetic Resonance Imagery (MRI) because it can show the current condition of the herniation in the disks. But it is not the reason for your pain all the time. Almost every person has the condition of herniation on some level because of tissue damage and wear and tear on the spinal columns due to aging. If MRI shows a little presence of a herniation that does not mean that it is responsible for your pain.

  • Surgery Is the Main Option to Solve the Problem of Herniated Disk

It is another myth that provides absolutely wrong information. There are various herniated disk treatment options available. If you are suffering from back pain, then you should visit the doctor as soon as possible. The doctor will first recommend you to do physical therapy, chiropractic care and injections which are contained in Wharton’s jelly. This treatment will help you to reduce the pain which you are suffering because of herniated disks.

Book an Appointment

If you are suffering from back pain because of herniated disks or any other reasons, then contact Oklahoma Pain Treatment Centres to get a suitable treatment plan.

**Disclaimer: This blog post does not establish terms of a doctor-patient relationship and is not intended to be taken as a doctor's advice.


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