Exercise that Can Cause More Pain to Your Back

Back pain has become the most common term in everyone’s household of Oklahoma. Most people experience pain in the lower part of the spine or lumber, which almost affects 80% of adults. Some doctors suggest some particular exercise that might help your back pain. Exercising every day is usually good for your back pain if you are doing it correctly, or it can increase the pain. Many back specialists in Oklahoma suggest that exercise can boost your flexibility and strength and promote healing, but sometimes doing it incorrectly can increase the pain. So, it is recommended to consult your back specialist before starting any routine.

  • Not Doing Proper Warm-Up Before Workout

The back specialist suggests skipping warm-ups can make back pain worse and cause more injuries. Muscles that are not warmed up or are not in use can get stiff and inflexible, and when you start exercising suddenly can cause strain and tear when fallen under strenuous tasks. Doing proper warm-up can make your muscle get good blood flow and increase respiration, which enriches the blood with oxygen.

  • Not Knowing Your Triggers

Your pain might get triggered by small activities that are bad for your back. For example, people suddenly decide to start going to the gym or getting into an intense workout program while experiencing extreme back pain, which the new routine can badly trigger. The back specialist suggests starting a ‘pain trigger list’ containing information about your triggers that you can show your instructor. Then they can show you exercise that might not trigger your pain.

  • Overdoing Stretches

Some people think warm-up and stretches are the same and do it intensely. This can not only increase your injury but doing it in the wrong way can cause more severe pain in your body. You should do your stretches after your warm-up and do it gently and properly.

  • Using Wrong Form

The most common mistake while exercising in the gym is curving the back while lifting the weight. According to back specialists, overarching can cause severe injuries to your back, especially if you are already suffering from it.

  • Doing Exercise That Twist the Spine

Yoga is known to be the best form of exercise for your body but poses that have movements like spinal twists and back folds can aggravate back injuries.

Treating it Properly is Necessary

Several things can cause your injuries to increase and to decrease, contact Oklahoma Pain Treatment Centre to get the best care you need. Call to get your appointment today.

**Disclaimer: These tips are not advised or suggested by doctors. The products that are promoted here are not FDA CERTIFIED to treat, cure or prevent any disease.


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