Do Spinal Cord Stimulation Impact in Chronic Pain Treatment?

Tired stressed old mature business woman suffering from neckpain working from home office sitting at table. Overworked senior middle aged lady massaging neck feeling hurt pain from incorrect posture

According to research, more than 80 percent of Americans are suffering from back pain every year. Actually, we experience back pain after a certain period of time due to our lifestyle. We try various home remedies to reduce back pain as much as possible. But many times the home remedies do not work properly. If you experience pain for a longer time then you should seek help from a spine specialist.

Spinal Cord Stimulation

In this surgery, the spine specialist implants a small battery-powered device near the spine. After the implantation, the device provides low electric currents to the spinal cord. The electric current prevents the pain signals before reaching the brain.

You are also able to control the electric currents by using external remote control. You can switch on and off according to your needs. There are many advantages of spinal cord stimulation.

  • You Can Adjust to It Easily

We all know the fact that the pain varies from patient to patient. Therefore, every person reacts differently to the same pain. In this context, you can customize the stimulation according to your pain level throughout the day. You can adjust the electric currents as per your need. If you feel pain more than usual, then you can increase the level of the spinal cord stimulation device.

  • You Can Extract the Device

It is a true fact that one type of treatment is not for everyone. After implantation, you may find that the device is not suitable for your condition. In that case, a spine specialist can extract the device and other accompanying elements safely. You do not have to worry about side effects anymore.

  • Don’t Need Prescription Drugs Anymore

Most of the patients who are suffering from chronic pain, get prescribed drugs to reduce the pain. But there are few disadvantages you need to know. You have to spend a large amount of money to get the prescribed medicines. You may feel huge financial pressure for this reason and it is not good for your mental health at all.

You may be drug-addicted in the near future if you are taking pain killers for a longer period of time. According to research, a minimum of two million Americans face substance abuse problems because of prescription painkillers. Apart from these, the other benefits are,

  1. You don’t have to worry about side effects.

  2. You can experience a trial run before undergoing surgery.

  3. Fast healing time

Say Bye to Chronic Back Pain

You may suffer from back pain for a long period of time. Hence, it’s time to contact a spine specialist. You may consult with specialists of Oklahoma Pain Treatment Centers in OKC. They will guide you by providing a suitable treatment plan for you.

**Disclaimer: This blog post does not establish terms of a doctor-patient relationship and is not intended to be taken as a doctor's advice.


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