Common Reasons and Symptoms of Herniated Disk

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Suddenly, you are experiencing pain in your upper back and neck in between your work. You cannot sort out the reasons for it, but you are feeling the pain and numbness. This could be a herniated disc symptoms, which may worry you if you don’t undertake proper herniated disc treatment. OKC’s pain management doctor has stated that herniated disc mostly occurs in the adult age for many reasons. If the person is feeling the pain, then he/she would consult with a doctor immediately.

A herniated disc is also known as disc prolapsed or slipped disc. It has several symptoms that vary from people to people following their health condition.

Symptoms of a herniated disc

  • You can often feel the abnormal sensations on your neck and back. It is termed as electric shock pain. This mainly happens if you have the compression in your neck; the shock goes down to the arms.

  • Sensations like numbness, tingling are the symptoms of a herniated disk. These symptoms are not always the same type. It will vary following your work nature and your lifestyle.

  • Muscle weakness due to nerve irritation may also happen. On that note, nerve irritations should be examined.

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Reasons for herniated discs

As said earlier, there are many herniated disc causes. When the intervertebral disc takes more room in the spine’s vertebrae, then you feel the excruciating pain. Here are some more reasons-

  • Degeneration of spinal cord

As your vertebral discs help you to move well, they will wear out over time. As you will grow older, annulus fibrous will become weaker, and it will allow the nucleus pulpous to start it pushing through towards a herniated disk. Herniated disk treatment is mandatory then.

  • Due to obesity

Being overweight may also lead you towards the herniated disc, as the midsection will strain the lower back. On top of that, your lifestyle may also contribute to the development of the condition.

  • Injuries

Injuries like car accidents, sports injuries can lead you to a herniated disc. Injuries are commonly related to the sudden jerking movement that puts too much pressure on your disc. Besides, twisting or lifting a heavy object may also lead to a herniated disc.

If you feel pain in your neck and back portion, don’t be late and come to us. We, at Oklahoma Pain Treatment have skilled doctors who will analyze tour conditions and do the needful accordingly. Book your appointment now.

**Disclaimer: This blog post does not establish terms of a doctor-patient relationship and is not intended to be taken as a doctor's advice.


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