Oklahoma Pain Treatment Centers

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Oklahoma Pain Treatment Centers: Aiding With Chest Scar Tissue Pain After Surgery

Have you had chest surgery? Does the area around your scar still cause you pain? It’s quite possible after an operation to feel some pain in and around the scar area, especially after chest surgery. It can often last for weeks. Our Oklahoma Pain Treatment Centers therapists are here to tell you that there is something you can do about it, besides just waiting for it to go away naturally.

The cause of scar tissue pain is usually due to damage to a skin nerve, or when a nerve is being squeezed by the scar tissue. Common complaints from patients include descriptions of a continuous nerve pain with seemingly abrupt stabbing pains. For some patients experiencing these problems, our pain management OKC solution of using intercostal nerve blocks may offer some relief.

The steroid injected reduces the inflammation, or swelling, of the tissue around the intercostal nerves located between the ribs or in the chest wall. The actual injection takes only a few minutes to complete and involves our Oklahoma Pain Treatment Centers therapist inserting a needle through the skin and deeper tissues. There may be some pain involved; however, the skin and deeper tissues are numbed with a local anesthetic using a very thin needle during the performance of the block.

Our Oklahoma Pain Treatment Centers staff would recommend that you rest for a while in the office, but most patients can drive themselves home. We advise the patient to take it easy for several hours after the procedure and to apply ice to the injected area. After that, you are safe to perform any activity you can tolerate. If you respond to the injections, you may be recommended for additional injections if and when the symptoms return.

If your scar pain from chest surgery is too much to handle without a little help, don’t hesitate to give us a call. To make an appointment with our team, please call us at 405-751-0011.