Oklahoma Pain Treatment Centers

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Why Osteoarthritis is More Common in Women Than Men?

What is Osteoarthritis?

Osteoarthritis is a chronic joint condition. In the joint position, two bones of the leg come together and the end of the bones are covered with cartilage. When the cartilage breaks down, the bones rub together. Therefore, individuals suffer from pain and stiffness.

According to research, women suffer from hand osteoarthritis, knee osteoarthritis, and hip osteoarthritis more than men. In such a condition, pain physicians can help with appropriate treatment.

Why Do Women Face Osteoarthritis More Than Men?

There are few reasons why women face these problems more than men. The following are,

Hormonal Changes

According to research, women suffer from osteoarthritis because of their hormonal changes. It is a fact that hormonal levels among women frequently change with menstruation cycles and during the period of menopause.


Osteoarthritis mainly runs in families and researchers have found a genetic link among the women who suffer from this problem.

Poor Joint Stability

The joints of women are laxer than men. The bones into the joints move around more, therefore, when the joint stability reduces, it leads to osteoarthritis among women.

Overweight Issues

Women also suffer from obesity more than men. Hence, it is quite natural that the extra weight creates pressure on the knee joints and breaks down the cartilage. As a result, it increases the risk of arthritis.

Sports Injury

Sports injury is one of the major reasons behind the problem of osteoarthritis. In the last few decades, more girls have participated in sports and faced sports injuries, specifically tears to the anterior cruciate ligament of the knee. This type of injury increases the risk of arthritis.

How To Prevent The Risk?

  • You should maintain a healthy weight.

  • You should do exercise every day and eat a healthy diet.

  • Visit the doctor to check the situation if you experience any arthritis symptoms.

  • Should control blood sugar

Call For Professionals

If you face any type of pain in joints, do not underestimate it. Feel free to contact any pain physicians in Oklahoma. Oklahoma Pain Treatment Centers provides various services such as treatment for bone health osteoporosis, celiac plexus block, discogram, facet injection, joint injection and many more. Our expert team will guide you to tackle the problem. Visit our website to book your appointment with us.

**Disclaimer: This blog post does not establish terms of a doctor-patient relationship and is not intended to be taken as a doctor's advice