Oklahoma Pain Treatment Centers

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Why Are Growing Pains Common In Oklahoma City's Children?

As parents in Oklahoma City, it's not uncommon to hear your child complain of aches in their legs and, occasionally, pain in the back. Often, these discomforts are attributed to growing pains—a term that encapsulates a range of muscular pains experienced by children. Although growing pains are generally harmless, understanding their nature, symptoms, causes, and treatments can provide peace of mind and better care for your child’s back pain.

Symptoms: More Than Just Leg Aches

Growing pains predominantly manifest as muscular aches in both legs, commonly in the calves, behind the knees, and in the front of the thighs. Interestingly, movement neither exacerbates nor alleviates the pain, indicating that the joints are not the issue. The pain typically appears late in the afternoon or evening and worsens at night, often disturbing sleep. Remarkably, by morning, the pain vanishes without a trace.

Back pain, although less common, may also be a part of growing pains. It's crucial to note that growing pains and back pain in children don't cause limping or hinder physical activities during the day. However, in some instances, children might also experience headaches or muscular pains in their arms.

Causes: Debunking Myths Around Bone Growth & Development

Contrary to popular belief, growing pains are not directly caused by the growth of bones. Bones grow slowly, and this process is usually painless. The actual causes of growing pains and back pain in children are multifaceted:

  • Muscular Tiredness: Increased physical activity can sometimes lead to more pronounced muscular aches.

  • Poor Posture: Awkward standing, sitting, or walking can strain muscles more than usual. Children with very flat feet or other postural issues might be more susceptible to these pains.

  • Emotional Factors: Stress or emotional distress can sometimes manifest as physical pain, though this isn't a common cause for most children.

Diagnosis: Ruling Out Other Causes

Diagnosing growing pains involves eliminating other potential causes of leg and back pain. Conditions like arthritis, infections, and problems with muscular coordination need to be considered. Suppose your child in Oklahoma City experiences severe pain, pain in one leg only, daytime pain, fever, loss of appetite, rashes, swelling, redness, tenderness, or limping. In that case, it's crucial to consult a doctor.

Treatment: Gentle Care And Reassurance

While ensuring that the back pain or leg aches are not symptoms of a more serious condition, the following measures can help alleviate discomfort:

  • Comfort and Reassurance: Let your child know that the pain is temporary and they will feel normal by morning.

  • Massage: Gently massaging the affected area can be soothing.

  • Heat Treatment: Warm baths or heat packs can relieve muscle aches.

  • Pain Relief Medication: Paracetamol, in appropriate doses, can help. Always check the bottle for correct dosing.

  • Podiatric Assessment: If your child frequently trips or has flat feet, consider a consultation with a podiatrist in Oklahoma City to check their posture and leg alignment.

Where To Seek Help In Oklahoma City

If you're concerned about your child's growing pains or back pain, several resources are available in Oklahoma City:

  • Primary Care Physicians: They can provide initial evaluation and guidance.

  • Pharmacists: For advice on over-the-counter pain relief options.

  • Maternal and Child Health Nurses: They offer support and information, especially for younger children.

  • Pediatricians: Specialists in children's health can provide more in-depth assessments.

Remembering The Key Points For Back Pain

Growing pains, while distressing, are a benign part of childhood for many. They do not indicate any harm to your child's bones or muscles. Most children who are active do not experience growing pains and many who do have not engaged in excessive physical activity. Always prioritize a medical evaluation to rule out other causes of back pain or leg pain.

Understanding Growing Pains And Back Pain In Children

As a parent in Oklahoma City, understanding the signs, causes, and ways to manage growing pains and back pain in children is crucial. This knowledge is key to providing the right care and comfort. Growing pains, while temporary, can be a source of concern, but with appropriate management, your child can continue to grow and thrive without unnecessary discomfort. When it comes to back pain in Oklahoma City, the expertise of Oklahoma Pain Treatment Centers can be a valuable resource in navigating these common childhood issues and ensuring your child's well-being and comfort.

**Disclaimer: This blog post does not establish terms of a doctor-patient relationship and is not intended to be taken as a doctor's advice.