Oklahoma Pain Treatment Centers

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Revealed: Causes of Lower Back Pain among the Women

Being a woman, experiencing pinpointing pain may be misunderstood as menstrual cramps for back pain. But, it is something else. There are certain reasons the pain you are experiencing. In this article, we will discuss about those susceptible causes that you are thinking so that your pain management becomes easier.

Uterine dysfunction

Uterine dysfunction is the main reason, why severe cramping is followed in the women. It mainly happens during the menstruation period. Primary or secondary condition-both of these can be considered, according to the pain management doctors.


It is a chronic condition that can cause back pain among the females. When the endometrial tissue grows outside the uterus, this particular condition occurs. This tissue responds to the body’s hormonal changes, which may cause swelling, spotting and bleeding between periods.

Postmenopausal compression

A recent study shows that, more than 40% of the women experience VCF of the middle to the lower spine. With aging, this condition gets more worsen. Small cracks in vertebrae may cause substantial disability.

A recent study by the OKC scientists states, postmenopausal women have the risk of osteoporosis. As the hormonal changes takes place, bones gradually decays and get fractured after a certain time. Already 44 million persons have osteoporosis and 34 million have low bone mass.


Are you familiar with slipped disc and decaying of entire backbone? The whole situation is known as spondylolisthesis. It occurs when the vertebral body slips against the adjacent vertebral body that may resulting in pain or the mechanical symptoms. This pain can radiate through the whole spine and hips. If you are experiencing tremendous pain, then you should consult with pain management doctors.

SI joint dysfunction

SI joint dysfunction can be characterized by the inflammation, experiencing in sacroiliac joints. You may experience lower or buttock pain that may radiate down the legs. During climbing on the stairs, the pain will be exacerbated.

Looking for pain management doctors? Here we are

Unwind yourself from the severe pain with the aid of pain management doctors. At Oklahoma Pain Treatment Center, experienced doctors are there to serve you at any point of time. So, what are you waiting for? Experiencing more and more pain will be a no-brainer. Instead, pick up phone and ring our clinic number today to book a schedule.

**Disclaimer: This blog post does not establish terms of a doctor-patient relationship and is not intended to be taken as a doctor's advice.