Oklahoma Pain Treatment Centers

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Knee Pain & Problems: Why Is Your Knee Hurting?

Knee pain is a common complaint. Adults complain about knee pain more than children. Simple walking and bending can put pressure on your joints and you may feel your sore knees. One of the major causes of knee pain is ageing, injury and repeated stress on your knees. Arthritis and strained ligaments are one of the common knee problems. You can contact a pain management doctor in OKC who will help you with the knee examination and provide you with a suitable treatment plan thereafter.

Different types of situations can allow your knee pain to appear suddenly. Some of these situations are – bending your knee, putting weight on it and walking on the staircase. Your knee is the body’s largest hinge joint. It contains several components including bones, ligaments and tendons.

Causes of Knee Pain

There are different causes of knee pain including the following:

  • Injury

Different types of injury can affect any part of your knee. That’s why athletes are more prone to knee injury since they hurt their knee more often than not. You need to be cautious. Make sure you have taken proper steps after an injury occurrence.

  • Fracture

Fracture is one of the most common causes of knee pain. It’s called a fracture when your knee cap or one of your bones associated with your knee gets broken.

  • Arthritis

Arthritis can definitely cause knee pain. There are different types of arthritis including osteoarthritis and gout that can cause knee pain. You're recommended to see a pain specialist in this regard.

  • ACL

ACL stands for Anterior Cruciate Ligament Tear. Most of the athletes who play basketball are associated with the ACL. It affects one of the four ligaments associated with thigh bone and shinbone.

  • Detached Bone

A detached piece of bone in the joint area can cause you knee pain. Detached bone can be extremely painful. It’s recommended to see a doctor in this case as soon as possible.

A proper treatment plan is important for fast recovery. That’s why Oklahoma Pain Treatment Centers stand as the best. Here we help our patients deal with pain in a better way. We have board certified doctors to help the patients find out the underlying causes of their pain. Call us and schedule your first appointment today.

**Disclaimer: This blog post does not establish terms of a doctor-patient relationship and is not intended to be taken as a doctor's advice.