Oklahoma Pain Treatment Centers

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How Can We Differentiate Bulging Discs from Herniated Discs?

What are Bulging Discs?

When a disc of your spine bulges outside the specific area, then it is called a bulging disc. The disc contains mucoprotein gel inside it which means there wouldn’t be any rupture or tear outside the annulus layer of the disc. But you may feel pain because the disk is not in the perfect shape, weight and balance. If you avoid the problem, the bulging disc can be herniated over time. You have to opt for treatment for a bulging disc in the lower back instead of ignoring it.

What are Herniated Discs?

When the inner nucleus penetrates the annulus’s protective wall and leaks into the spinal canal, then herniated disc occurs. More severe than bulging discs, herniated discs put significant pressure on nearby nerves. This causes intense pain, inflammation and difficulties when you try to move.

The Difference between Bulging and Herniated Discs

People suffer from bulging discs more than herniated discs. A bulging disc does not cause as much pain and suffering as herniated disc because it does not protrude too much into the spinal canal to pressure or hurt the surrounding nerves.

The Symptoms of This Problem

  1. Arm or leg pain, very intense, radiating from an epicenter.

  2. Limbs going numb or tingling sensation, spasms or burning feeling.

  3. Feeling weak and having bladder and bowel problems.

Why Do Bulging Discs and Herniated Discs Occur?

Age is the most common cause for both bulging and herniated discs. Degeneration due to aging can cause dehydration and stiffen the discs in our spines. This means the disc gets compressed or flattened. Otherwise, bulging and herniated discs can also happen due to the following reasons,

  • Obesity - getting fat is always bad for your spine.

  • A spinal injury or trauma - an injury can flatten the discs in the spine.

  • Genetics - if other people in your family have suffered from these problems in their old age, chances are that you will too.

  • Repetitive spinal stress - exercising wrongly and/or putting irregular pressure on your spine can also cause bulging discs.

  • Improper lifting techniques - a lopsided way of lifting heavy stuff can damage your spine easily.

  • Poor posture - always try to have an erect bearing, slouching definitely is bad for the spine.

Treat Your Bulging Discs or Herniated Discs Problem

If you suffer from these types of problems, then you should consult with the specialist of Oklahoma Pain Treatment Centres to start treatment for a bulging disc in the lower back.

**Disclaimer: This blog post does not establish terms of a doctor-patient relationship and is not intended to be taken as a doctor's advice